Tuesday 24 July 2007


I 'caught' a baby on May 14th who was abandoned 12 hours later by his mum. She went to work and no one even knew she was preggers...he stayed at the clinic, ended up at the children's hospital and finally is back at the little children's home run by the missionaries who run the birthing home...it is next door to the birthing clinic. So here's my 'neighbor'; he is a chunky monkey and has grown exponentially from his 4.4lbs birth weight. He was a bit grumpy when I got there but then I was told he was hungry so I got to feed him and settle him down a bit and what do ya know...
blissfully sleeping...but then he started farting around cause i guess he NEVER sleeps in his bed so off we went again...
I would just like to say I had just been at a birth and been without a shower for 30 hours and well, it's just not pretty after awhile...birth is NOT for celebrities...
in his little cloth diaper, and his rocking chair...stinkin cutie...I miss seeing babies and their jowels...he's definitely got a pair of kissable cheeks...can I just say that Carl is waiting to be adopted!...I prayed for his family and hope for the best for this little guy...

1 comment:

Kim said...

that baby is BIG! he's adorable! and i'm glad you posted the self-portrait, it makes me feel better for my birthwatch appearances!
you're beautiful all the time, after all we are the celebrities of the birthing world here! -K