Monday 4 June 2007

long time no blob...

someday I will get over how cool my grandma's nickname for my blog is but until that time you might have to be reminded about what a cool grandma i really do have...seriously, who thinks of blob...only the funniest grandma ever!
Okay, so i have been at the clinic for 5 days straight while my commrades at arms went on holidays...can I tell you how retarded I am to have sent them off thinking I was so strong...
okay so in a nut shell...
-2 primagravida's births...which means long labor watching and alot of back rubbing and hip massaging and encouraging and just telling them, "no, don't give can do it" but as it turns out both births happened to be continuities and so it was very rewarding to know these girls a bit and be with them as they suffered to bring their little one's into the world....oh and i was asked to be godmother of little Kaizhen Mia!!! She is so stinkin cute!
-one more sutering adventure...I just pray that if God is big enough to birth a baby thru it then He can be big enough to heal it back up properly...I just need to get a few threads in there and speak healing over them....
-4 catches out of 6 last nite so i am running on two hours of sleep...
-eating liver, chicken and beef with the midwives...chicken was definately better...but I still wouldn't chose to eat liver...
-catching two babies within 3 hours of eachother in the same room...first the left side and then, turn around and catch the right...
-getting invited out to supper by Steve's old soccer coach on wednesday...which means free food and good food...ah sweetness...
-discovering that the house I am staying at now-the cousin was in Steve's class and she is married now, and so maybe they knew the whole time who I was and that is why we are living here...thanks Steve...apparently Chiling, our Filipina housekeeper here went to the funeral and saw me we know eachother.
-it has been comforting to be taken in by all these people who remember my bro...steve's soccer coach even said i remind him of steve...that I have some mannerisms like him. and it made me feel so good. Even if i forget somethings Steve did or just can't see his face so clearly anymore-knowing that other people can see a glimpse of him in me was pretty stinkin cool.
-I hope you heard that Steve, you look like a girl:)
-can you tell I have had 2 hours of sleep...
thanks for praying and reading and just being friends. I am so rich to have friends and family who read my little blob...


Jen said...

Babies are fun! Did you hear about the new one coming in January?!

Suzette said...

you made me cry!
love you.

Kayla said...

Mia I love you, seriously. OH and thanks for letting me laugh/cry on your shoulder!

Lindsey said...

you make me laugh and you make me cry! i love you!

hadassah said...

ok wait, did you move or smthg? or how do these ppl know Steve? b/c of his school being there? you didn't go to Faith tho did you?

anyway, that's really cool & i'm glad you have those connections! :)