Friday 6 April 2007

Easter Thoughts

So, have been having great family easter emails. Thanks Yase for the dead bunnie info. and I thought since i am part of the fam I would share...and then i thought since i have a blog i will share on that so that too will spread into the family network:) i am a thinker.
About devotions, lately I've been thinking that really, 20-30-even 40 minutes of devo's really doesn't cut it to get you thru the whole day. It's like make-up and until now I didn't realize how quickly it can literally slide off your face. One minute I'm all ready to go and then i step outside into the hot humidity of life and blah! And as much as I want a superficial Christ-like manner, I really want my heart to change more.
The pharisees were into make-up! Thats really what I think.
But if I'm still dead, and still look am I alive? I don't feel alive.
Thats where the easter part comes in...I want an easter view of myself and all the situations I get into each day. I want to be covered in the blood of Jesus and I don't care if in that position I can only see things dimly, maybe a dead person is perfect for God's plan cause thats when He gets all the credit for making life really and truly happen. So even if I look dead, and feel dead, God is completing His work and really I am almost awake, soon to be new, all that I've hoped for and so it'll be Okay, it'll be alright.


Suzette said...

just want to say, i love you:)

ljenns said...

Hi Meems---we are all getting together at Grampa and Gramas for Easter Sunday dinner today--showed them your blog site and bookmarded it for them so they can get your updates. Happy Easter--are you having a bunny hunt or rodent hunt today. Love from us all.
Uncle Flew