Sunday 18 March 2007


Okay, so if i hadn't have gotten out of bed yesterday here's what I would have missed...
Church with songs I knew.
Fried Chicken.
And a call to go to a birth at Jonathan came out at 1:45pm and then...wait a second there is definately more in that belly! Oh my word it's twins!
I 'caught' baby Joseph.
Also watched for a separation gush and got the placenta, so incredible, it was massive! The placenta.
Guess who had the twins...Alma. 40 years old and giving birth to twins in the sqatting position!
She is my hero.
I also had the priviledge of going to Raylyn Gonzalez funeral. It was so weird to go to a funeral after being so incredibly happy.
She looked like a little angel, all cute and dressed up. The cemetary was a public cemetary so it lookes like cement building blocks stacked on top of eachother. Most of the graves are children and babies. There was no grass, no space, we walked on graves to get to Raylyn's burial plot and then stood on graves as we watched them cement her into her little resting place. They had a piece of wood to carve her name into the fresh cement and then we left. The man who came to help them cement the grave actually lived there, on the graves, as we left I saw him holding his own baby.
We went straight back to the clinic and I held Jonathan and Joseph, cleaned some mec diapers, talked to alma.
I am so blessed.
And yes, getting up each new day is important. You never know what God has in store for you. You never know what God has up his sleeve and He's just waiting to rise that sun, start the new day and watch your eye's pop all over again.

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