Saturday 17 March 2007


Well, today went well. It didn't start out that well, I was freaking out about no one showing up for prenatals and then lost an important receipt...was ready to cry and then God somehow worked the receipt into somebodies bag-praise Jesus-and i got to prenatals late and there were 4 ladies and the first thing they said was, "Your late!" Oh happy words. Eventually 8 women came and 4 of them were women i have been seeing on an ongoing basis. Alma and Grace among them.
Tomorrow is babe's funeral. Her mum is still in the hospital, I went to see her and she was still in alot of pain from a manual removal of the placenta-basically the Dr. went in a scrapped off the placenta from inside her uterus with his hand-she also had lost alot of blood and had gotten a transfusion. I had no idea what to say and looked around at all her roomates holding their babies and wanted to cry all over again. Why can't it stop for her? I am hoping that mum gets to go to her daughters funeral. So tomorrow will have it's own troubles, i have no idea what I'll say to the family. i have no idea if mum will be there for her daughters burial. So tomorrow, tomorrow is still a mystery. And right now, in times like these i know why God only gives each moment one at a time and doesn't let me see into the future too far. If I knew all that I would have to deal with I would definately not leave my house. So yeah, now how's that for bravery! Well, maybe i would leave to buy more rat glue...speaking of which I think alittle retribution is in order. If i have to deal with a sad day tomorrow, some poor rodent is going to pay tonight! Good-nite and thank-you for your prayers.

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