Sunday 11 March 2007


Apparently, back in the pioneering and settler days of yore. If a young women of unmarital status went into labor, the attendant-midwife usually-would wait until the peak of labor to ask the girl who the father of the child was. It was a tried and true way of finding out the truth ...Thus implicated, the culprit was then induced to matrimony and fatherhood all at the same time.
This morning a truth came out not during the peak of labor but actually right after the birth of a perfect baby girl. But let me back up a bit...
A mother of 4 and well on her way towards having her 5th, this woman only started coming to prenatals well into her 7th month of pregnancy. At nine months during a prenatal she started joking that there were alot of different parts and maybe she was having twins or alien baby. we all laughed and thought it was a big joke...prenatal care showed nothing abnormal with baby. This morning at 6:20am baby Mia Alex (oh my word I think I have a namesake!!!!) raced out of her mum. The first question her mum asked was is she normal? Alex and Kim and I didn't understand what she was saying but Gerlene (our midwife) told us that there had been an abortive attempt at 7 months. Mum had been worried all this time that something was wrong with baby, because she had tried to kill her. But she couldn't tell us before now. And then she confessed to having had an abortion at 5 months with her pregnancy before this babes-she told Gerlene that her work required her to not get pregnant so she aborted her baby. Then she lost her job anyway, and then her hubbie lost his too. So now she has another mouth to feed and no work for either of them. I don't know if Mia Alex is an appeal for redemption, for what she believes is the 'curse of God' for aborting her other baby, but I do know that babes is perfect. Alex did a postpartum check right there to encourage mum. She's a beautiful babes too.
I hope so much for this little girl. i hope so much for her family. If God can grow a baby in a women who is frightened, and tired and overwhelmed with guilt; then i have to trust that He knows best and that babes is His love child. So hug your mum today. i wish I could hug mine.


hadassah said...

aw, that's really sad. I hope she will be loved & cared for well inspite of all that! It's so hard when they're poor tho & don't want more kids! :(( I'll have to try to remember to pray for her.

curverclan said...

You have incredible opportunities to minister! God is the one who arranges these appointments! Bless you!