Thursday 22 December 2011

How many Asian young men can sleep lengthwise in a double bed?

Camp. The most luxurious camp I ever went to, happened. You missed it. It was a master plan by the leaders and students all forming a leadership team, everyone had there part, everyone had to toe some sort of line and far be it from them to step out:) And everyone was held accountable at debrief...after debrief, after debrief...
it was a little like a nursing care plan (LInds only you can share in this feeling:)
Everything ran according to schedule, but it wasn't that, that made me so astonished. I have seen schedules work before...but here, everyone worked the schedule together, we rehashed it so many times how could one not know what to do... to see everyone on the same page and just 'do' the schedule made me realize why some people love organization so much. When you do it well, people understand their roles and feel comfortable. Sharing leadership also worked out well too. No one dropped the was kinda scary. Some of the kids were 15...I could be their mother...but I am still in university...they thought that was a bit weird, but so do I, get in line folks.
Anyway, the day before camp ended there was a soccer match between all leadership groups, those from I and S and then the slum kids as well. Soccer is a violent sport, 1 hour after play started there were two head injuries and dubious wrist injury and several scrapped knees and shins. Hello people we are Christians!!!!!!
I just finished my unit on brain injuries and increased intracranial pressure...headache and nausea that won't subside...not so good...not able to focus eyes...really not good...throwing up...ahhhhhh I was like, we should get these kids checked out by a Doctor...apparently in some counties the Doctors don't actually show up to the hospital...they looked at me funny for mentioning a hospital one boy who was from my team from S got to go on a ferry and get his head checked that evening...but the slum boy who was throwing up slept at the church that night...he was cared for by the church we partnered with and I just couldn't help but think that life isn't fair. I think he suffered through and hopefully just had a very bad concussion. But the fact that he couldn't go for help made me so sad.
I did what I could...I took their pain level, "Now then, between 1 and 10 with 10 being high and 1 being no pain, what is your pain level now?"...what a joke:) but it helped me know how they were handling. Every 15 minutes I was doing a pupil check. "Look into my eyes!" All in all I did nothing but I was there and although inside I was thinking, "How do I wrap a wrist? I don't remember how to wrap a wrist. What if it swells after I wrap it? What am I going to do? No one asked me to write a nursing care plan where I couldn't refer them to a Dr.? What is this? Where is the wrist? what should it look like? How do I wrap a wrist?"
Outwardly I think I said something about stabilizing the wrist...eventually someone else said sling and soon she was all wrapped up like a wee little present. At the end of the day it wasn't me who did anything but I had fun, (yeah I know I am a sick sick person) all I could think about was a girl crying silent tears saying, "I don't want to go home yet, I don't want to go home yet." She was sent home to discover that she had a hairline fracture. Merry Christmas...will be all over her cast.
And now it's over, I will miss all the late night meetings, the bright cheerful faces, the food, singing, the organization:) but I am happy to have some chill time, I am very tired and have a man voice from a cold I caught in I. not only do I look like justin beiber I sound like him too:)
Merry Christmas ALL,
PS the answer is a very comfortable 4...seriously everything is smaller here, I am like a giant...

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