Friday 9 September 2011

You Are

One day, about 9 years ago...I met you. I was one of the first people to see you alive, in this world, ever! You were white, of course you were white:) but what I mean is you were really pale, but I remember thinking that you were handsome. I have always liked your face. Your face has seen alot of things, you have lived in Australia, Java, Canada, the US for a bit and now you are even living somewhere else still. You have been on planes, cars, for hours and hours on end. Your 9 years have packed in more than alot of adults have seen or known in a whole lifetime, and to have all that in your head is pretty amazing. In fact, I think it makes you so much more fun. Sometimes it must be hard for you, and sometimes you must wonder what God is doing and how your going to get through some of the hard times you have some days; so here is one story of how you have already made the world a better place just by being you.
Right after you were born something really sad happened in our family. Uncle Stephen died and you were still so little that your mum and Dad couldn't come with us to Faith academy to say goodbye to all his friends. I remember the morning we heard the news about Uncle Stephen, you and your mum and Dad and me piled into their little red car and drove up to Three Hills so we could cry with Oma and you know what, everyone wanted to hold you, and when we held you, we all felt a little better. You already worked your magic:) You were just you.
When i had to go on the plane and your mum and Dad couldn't come with me...know what? I did something crazy, I looked at you and then i prayed to God. I prayed that you would be able to comfort your mum and Dad-while I was far away-you were a baby! But i knew you could do it. I prayed that everytime they held you, that their hurting would somehow be alittle bit less. I went away and was so sad that I forgot to really talk to your Mum and Dad lots, or phone them about all the things we were doing, and I am sure that made them hurt more...but even after all that when everything settled down, your Mum and Dad still forgave me for making their hurt bigger, and I am sure it was because they were holding you...because you are.
Even today, when i look at your face, i remember praying that you would be a comfort to other's...that was a pretty big prayer to lay on a baby...but still your face always make me feel better, it helps my hurt go away.

Isaiah 11:6
The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together, and a little child shall lead them.

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