Saturday 11 June 2011

in the year of the goat

apparently my last post gave others a chuckle, they found it a humorous addition to this website and wrote me about "what a good laugh" they got out of fact, I was actually going for touching to the point of tugging at my heartstrings vibe, possibly even a

so before I continue with this post I thought I should say, this one is supposed to be funny...who knows maybe this one will actually make you cry though...

I went to the anniversary. I rode with some of my cousins I haven't seen much since moving to the city so we caught up on life and school...then we got to the place and I immediately found my Aunt Agatha who had agreed on short short notice to play for me...she brought two hymnals and then we decided to practise it a few times through...went well...and then we sat down for dinner...
all through dinner I kept wondering, when am I on?
had the salad and waited for my name to get called...
found a washroom and waited in the stall...
had the meal
had dessert...
went to the washroom again...still waiting
started thinking, maybe I wasn't going to have to sing after all...
and then the program started.
"Please let me not be first..." I kept hoping...
and then a few sings were sung, and Bri played the piano, and then Wendy played a duet with her...a few more things happened I feel like...
then I started thinking, "please don't let me be last!"
kinda freaking out alittle at this point, supper not sitting so well, getting a queasy sort of feeling in my stomach...I hate it when people talk about being nervous and say they have butterflies in their stomach; I don't get it, why butterflies? Butterflies are pretty, they fly so they are light, and they are just nothing remotely close to how I feel when I am nervous. If I had butterflies in my stomach i would be happy, what I have is a walrus barking when i am nervous...walruses are definately more nerve wracking than butterflies in my opinion...
so there I was, waiting with wally inside me...
and then it was my turn.
I had originally thoguht I would try and talk abit, and explain that this song was picked out by the Cornie Enns family...but wally wouldn't budge...
so i just opened that hymnal and waited for the music to start...
then it happened...the goat.
there are timse when one discovers much to their complete amazement...vibrato.
it's astounding really, where once you thought you had a clear voice and even tone, now comes out the mother of all vibrato's...
I kept thinking, "Is that my voice?"
only to answer myself with the echo of my own voice, the sound carried really well, unfortunately it was the sound of a goat like baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; it was like a sonic boom on crack...
by the third verse I was evening out a bit, but by now I had carried the shakes from my voice to my legs, when i sat down it was in my hands...I two handed the water glass in order to get some into my mouth...
everybody was super nice, and it was mostly family or people I would never see again so i wasn't even as nervous as I can get...

my favorites of the evening, that aunt agatha played for great, then the next was uncle Johns opening joke..."this is better than buy one get one free"...i almost laughed out loud-which would have been another public humilation as you all know...then Luke and Bri really did make me laugh out loud...oh and...

jack, get your own table:)

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