Tuesday 2 June 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose

yep, there everywhere, the canadian goose...dropping their turds all over the sidewalks and yards...but there nice to have around...I feel sorry for the ones that live around the golf course...what a sad way to go...."Duck!" but no, it's a goose (sometimes I astound myself with how funny i am)...but I call them ducks too...Linds told me that on her way to pick me up the other day, a mother goose was crossing the street with all her little gosslings and they were so bottom heavy they kept tripping over their feet and then helplessly flapping around on their backs unable to get back up...so cute...we were laughing so hard in the car and then we got to the university to take our exams...
turns out i didn't do that bad on the exam...nice to know. I am relieved...now I am gearing up to finalize all the travel arrangements to South Africa...gonna help out with a family who takes care of HIV abandoned babies...so far they have adopted 15 kids over the years...on top of careing for infants and toddlers who are eventually adopted...I guess they take in babies that are very sick and dying too...it's weird cause I have been having dreams about going over there and holding a baby who is very sick, possibly dying...sometimes I get overdramatic about stuff so I really do hope that the dreams are just my own fears of not knowing how to handle so many kids or fear of not being good with any of the kids...funny how all these things hit me after I mail in the application and buy the ticket:) mostly I am excited and so ready to have this adventure...these kinds of things are what all this training is all about for me; so I am pretty ready to leave the books for a bit and have some practical... if you remember say a prayer in august and a bit of july that would be awesome...for the babies, for the people I'll meet and work with, and of course me too...


The Journey to Home said...

Wooohoooo an travel adventure. That's exciting! I will be praying for you girl! Can't wait to see pictures :) By the way, you crack me up Mia and kids love you!

Courtney said...

Hey you! I always check up on you too.. When do you leave for your trip? Maybe I read when but I can't remember! I hope you enjoy it! What I would do to be able to something like that again. Thanks for your prayers... they are muchly needed and appreciated :) Love you!