Thursday 15 November 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama...

So, the thing is, Subway is has a lot of high school kids working there...and me. I am too old for this silliness. An average shift when i am with the girls involves talking about who the cute guys are and our code for them is 'distractions' if you see a 'distraction' come in the store watch out, mistakes will happen. One girl accidentally gave a distraction 4 cookies instead of three...she kept looking at him instead of the cookies. My two-cents added to this craziness was to say that it's not necessarily the looks that qualify the distraction-it's how many mistakes you make while putting him thru. Unfortunately this happened to me, someone came in looking like Jim from the office and although we all agreed he was not good looking, the girls just watched me and laughed...I could not do anything was a gong show.
Working with the boys consists of listening to angry rage music or the sound track for 'rent' and then being the object of their explanation as to why 'rent' is such an amazing movie/play. It's not, and now that I know what it's about, I'm sure I like hairspray better.
So basically I feel like I am in a weird, small town version of high school musical where no one is in love with eachother and being sandwiche makers we are like the basketball team but really we want to sing and dance thru the rest of our lives with soundtracks playing in the background. Ok, so maybe I'm not too old for this silliness. I just realize that sometimes the soundtrack to your life sounds like the country radio station and the sports morning edition as your riding in a car madly trying to find a topic of conversation with your boss whom you have nothing in common with-other than he pays you-so keep trying to find something, anything to talk about so the 45 minutes passes quicker.
In other news the boys got haircuts...they look like little lambs who have just gotten shorn. They are cute, or as Korban would say, 'I dust dot a haiw tut.'


Lindsey said...

i can totally picture it mia, and i love it!

Kayla said...

Maybe all us girls should visit three hills and shake things up a bit?