Sunday 1 July 2007

The Week in Pictures...

Imelda getting a thank-you card from Linds-that was a picture of us looking our best-and she didn't recognize the one in the was ME!
Oh, Oh, now I see the resemblance...
Good-bye dinner for was our own little grad party for ourselves...Winner of the best technique with getting babies named after her is Kayla...Winner of being able to endear every child she ever meets is Alex...
Winner of best and most nutritious food prep and contentious student is lindsey...winner of the gatorade walk and also ability to have consistantly LOOOOOONG labors is Mia
What can I say, just a couple of cheeky girls hanging out...our midwives daughters are about the cutest little people I know in the Phils.

1 comment:

Lindsey said... is that homework going? just kidding...make sure you work out a schedule though, you want to make sure it's done by next june! yikes...i was just kidding again...i have to live up to my contentious student award!