Friday 13 April 2007

Chocolate and parties

So i got some chocolate the other day. Stopped by Worldteam guesthouse to pick up a book Dad had somebody bring me and what do ya know there was a toblerone too....toblers are important enns chocolate; they symbolize countless fondue good-bye's and fondues just cuz. They are a staple in the diet and mine had been sorely lacking in them of late. Funny cause it happened to be a kinda stressful week and I just needed a little chocolate...alot of chocolate...tobler chocolate. So it was very satisfying and thanks dad and mums for the book and for the chocolate-I am happy to report it did last the taxi ride home but just barely. And now i can read about the spirit of the disciplines cause I know I need some more discipline in my life...the tobler episode speaks loud and clear.
Some of the craziest munchkins ever...had a birthday party...took some pics and i do believe a fun time was had by all. half-way thru the party a pregnant girl came in and I got to do an initial Then another lady came by in labor...just wanted to let us know she was in labor-then she went home. Being a midwife is certainly more than just births...I am learning that more and more every day. Our midwife is a huge role model for me and I am always wishing that when i grow up I can be as kind and gracious and just practise with the same relational midwifery that she has shown us.


Becka said...

yay for chocolate! yay for thoughtful gifts from family! =) you can do it. =)

hadassah said...

haha, i just bought some Toblerone this week - on sale CHEAP at the bargain shop! :p i got the semisweet kind, yummers!! glad you had that special taxi ride w/ it... :p