Thursday 19 August 2010

when good girls go wrong...

the bachelorette was a pottery class and then dinner. You would think that there would be no possible way of turning this into a sketchy bachelorette...after all the mother of the bride and groom were invited as well as the grandmother of the bride...however, after the pottery class, and dinner, and dessert...after the grandmother and mother's all left to sleep off the massive amount of food consumed...we, the 'young' ones still felt that there could be more out there for us to enjoy together...we were having fun and full of suger so after much deliberation...

"We should watch a movie?" Rachel said...

Brilliant. Everyone thought that would be a marvelous idea and off we went to go rent a movie. Then there was the complicated task of selecting a movie to watch for a bride who never watches movies. Brainless chick flicks...out. Sexually explicit comedies...out. Action...out. Adventure...hummmm. tears please...and then there was a modern rendition of Rembrants life...the groom is dutch...rembrant is dutch...painting is classical and something our bride could get really excited, rembrants life it is...

hurray, hurray...we happily troup back to the residences to claim the lounge and watch our find...

We get comfortable as the credits open and then...a naked man...WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

screaming and averting of heads and screaming ensue...gingerly, we all start laughing and wondering what kind of movie we picked out...then the friend who didn't come to the movie rental palce and met us back at res has to be the one to tell us, "Well, I was wondering why you guys would pick out a movie rated 18A."

Shocked silence.

thankfully, the bride gently lead us to give up on salvaging Rembrant to play good old fashioned games...together...

lesson: never send a happy bridal party to pick out an intellectually stimulating, non-crying, non-chick-flick, unique film...because they might surprise you with what they come back with.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Straight out of a TV Sitcom!!!