Saturday 21 August 2010

tail of a bridesmaid

this is # 6 for in the 6th time I've been a bridesmaid. As the day drew closer I realized that it never really looses it's hypnotic power to make me a complete wreak, I have this ability to somehow do and say the most innocuous things that ruin the goodwill of either (or both) the bride or groom or just make it into the 'most memorably heinous bridesmaid speeches of all time' hall of fame. So I get nervous, anxious...because I am me and I am having to take myself to this wedding and behave. but in this case the wedding was perfect and I had so much fun-even with me there.

Paul-the groom-did a huge amount of the planning with Lexi-together-I watched them hash out detail after detail at the kitchen table...all that attention to the small things really made the day so effortless...I have never been in such a laid back bridal party before...

the dresses made me feel very beautiful and our little ring bearer dubbed the bridesmaids 'his girls' by the end of the day. He ate with his parents at the reception but told them he needed to take his dessert to the head table to be 'with his girls'...we needed him to liven things up:) he was a huge bright spot to our day:)

we bonded during pictures...I look like I have space ears...bahhhhh

the wedding ceremony was super solemn as the bride and groom exchanged vows to God and eachother till death takes them on a new journey...and then the reception was filled with a string quartet playing us into mellow oblivion with the mother-of-the brides cake taking us to new depths of chocolate addiction...this cake is her secret recipe of chocolate death that basically made me want to die right there on the reception floor except I couldn't cause then the dancing started and I found myself dancing like a queen for the next 3 hours-until they closed the hall actually-with friends and sometimes myself....but I can now rock the macerena and only need alittle help with YMCA...mine looks more like the YMSA...I developed some new-never-before seen dance moves as the night wore on...the hot oven...washing the hair...the dandruff shake...the bowling ball...the box...I found myself inspiring myself to new heights of dance so that at one point I felt like I actually had rhythm but I saw a picture of myself on the dance floor today and now realize that, that thought was a bit of a pipe dream...oh well...

congrats to the happy couple Paul and Alexandria Eikleboom, may God blees you and keep you, may His face shine upon you, and give you peace...

thank-you so very much for letting me be a part of something as God honoring and also fun as your wedding...


Stefanie said...

Bah, Maria, I don't think you give yourself enough credit for how good you are with people... I think you have a gift for knowing how to get past a rough or awkward moment, regardless of who it's created by, with a smooth change of topic, or a kind comment, or a sweet serenade....
Anyway, I think you did hit the nail quite on the head in that it really was a lovely day, and I thought it seemed that you and everyone in the bridal party had a great time - I know I sure did have a great time dancing with you all late into the night!! You looked absolutely gorgeous, and were quite a belle of the ball, second only to Lexi :)

Lexi said...

Maria, you are more than welcome. Thank you so much for being a part of the wedding, for your congratulations, your company and your spunk. I'm so glad that the wedding did not have to be 'good-bye' - that you're still around for a while :)