Monday 16 August 2010

The Return of Pie

Long ago...but not so long ago we can't remember...back when daughters were trained up by their mother's to cook each dish to perfection, there was a girl. As she grew the lessons she learned, she diligently took with her. Her understanding and knowledge making her more becoming. As she moved on to a family of her own she found herself takling new challenges but with her mother's wisdom and example she never found a situation she couldn't conquer until there was pie. With fond memories she could recall her mother nimbly rolling out the crust into a perfect circle and wrapping it around the rolling pin to gently place it into the pie plate; but reality found her rolling out dough that wouldn't stay together. It was a constant battle to simply get the dough rolled out, placing it in the pie plate without having it tear and fall apart only brought frustration and pain. Batch after batch was throw out, and finally, at her wits end, girl vowed to never make pie again.
Some years went by, and one day Girl was over at Friend's house and Friend was making pie. In amazement Girl watched as Friend rolled out a delicate crust and then placed it in the plate. The small tears and holes were gently patched up by Friend and then covered in fruit. Girl had a moment. Her whole world shook with this new revelation; Pie Patching...
"I can do that." Girl said to herself. However, when she went home the revelation was lost in daily chores and care for her family. Every now and then she would think, "One day, one day I will try pie again." But now was never the time.
Until this thursday, when the saskatoon berries, a rainy summer day, and her courage beckoned her to try a pie. Her efforts were not in vain, Girl not only succeeded with her pie, she made blogging headlines. To family and friends who tasted her pie, the sky became a shade brighter, the grass greaner and the streets cleaner. Like billowing white sheets hanging out to dry on a perfect summer's day, or the smell of the ocean; it was alittle piece of heaven with Girl and her return to pie.

this post dedicated to auntie Sylvia...Girl you rocked that Pie...thanks so much for inviting me to share it!

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