Tuesday 24 August 2010

Your Essay...post 350...it's all you...

Unapolagetically you.
I need to begin with a small apology though. You see the first time I met you, well, I thought you were crazy. Literally, crazy. And so for a whole year and a half whenever I saw you I would smile apologetically, feeling slightly guilty for thinking you were crazy, hurrying to be on my way. Away from you.
And then there was this summer job. I don't know who it was, who thought of sticking two people together to clean toilets for 4 and a half months but whoever it was; I thank them. We started out as mutually happy to not know eachother students who happened to go to the same uni and eat in the same cafeteria...that was then...now you tell me when you cried through an episode of House. But I am skipping ahead...this summer 'I feel like' I met you for the first time...the first connection was music. You bring speakers wherever you go, I happen to like alot of the same genre's of music as you and both of us listen to music loud. But where i am the person to play loud music and scrub a bathroom floor...you are the person who puts on the music and scrubs the floor but also stops to dance...and dance, and dance...yup still dancing. Somehow all the work gets done, yet you manage to pack so much more into each moment.
And then there is your conducting...I don't know when it when from both of us singing to really just me being loud and singing at the top of my lungs during night shift...but it was the best game...i would start a song and then you would conduct me through it...for some reason I always felt like the walls of north campus castle would applaud us as we finished our last note.
Working 40 hours a week together all of a sudden turned into being friends, from world cup soccer to the few times I actually cooked and made you taste it. Then we got addicted to the same summer shows...so you think you can dance...who would have guessed...
You still say things like "madonna is my god." You still use your off-putting laughter to add flames to an already tense staff meeting when you feel like it; or diffuse a guests anxiety by being the best host ever...you still march to the beat of your own drum. And yes, you still refuse to apologize for anything. You are you, and although my first impression filled me with fear because how on earth can a crazy person be my friend...I found out that your kind of crazy makes the very best kind of friend. You are the most relationally based person i have ever met, and the way you interact with people is always inspiring to me...so i will miss you team dream inspiration...I would wish you all the best but i will see you tomorrow, so instead, don't forget your speakers...and hopefully House will be a happier episode so we don't have to listen to mellow music again like today...

thanks ben, for being my friend...and now I am going to go home and fart in a shoe box...


Stefanie said...

awwwwwwwwww <3
it's lovely to hear about how the friendship first started - I don't think I ever knew that you thought he was crazy. And really, who would blame you ;) So glad you guys have been so receptive to me piggy backing onto your friendship and that you guys have included me in some of your crazy adventures (yes, remember how you used to think Ben was crazy? well, "his" crazy has now become "your" crazy, as in, the both of you).

My summer wouldn't have been the same had you two not been paired togethered to clean toilets.
So, turn around bright eyes and don't stop believing; life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter. What do you say to taking chances? Cuz I'm not lying, I'm not bluffin' I just need somebody to love....

Ben said...

What a beautiful and accurate description. Thanks for the essay! haha I love it.