Saturday 14 August 2010

Three's a charm...

My family is cursed...yup. Long ago, when it became fashionable to have an outdoor wedding, God looked down at the Cornie Enns clan and said...

"You shall not wed on grass, for I will bring down rain upon the place of wedding you shall have, until say your vows you will be with roof overhead because of the rain you will flee the wide open spaces of sky and tree."

But, there is a silver lining to this curse,because today...under gray,rainy skies with condensation spilling from full clouds...Kathryn married Aaron at her outdoor location... in an open gazebo, with all the guests crowded into the gazebo with them. For about 5 minutes everyone sat in their lawn chairs, but into the 3rd verse of to God be the glory we all raced for the gazebo and finished the rest of the ceremony standing around the bride and groom, as happy as larks...there were no tears only reminders from some of the well wishers that "I hear it's good luck to have rain on your wedding day!" And so, although the rain did come, the show went on. And all of us there became closer-if only for a few moments-because of it...

even though their vows didn't say, in rain or in shine...they can already say..."I do."

Congrats to the happy couple...simply fabulous...Two years almost after Grandma died another much loved grand-daughter happily married, I just felt grandma's heart bursting with happiness from heaven...

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

so glad that the wedding worked out, even with all the rain. Sounds kinda magical actually, with everyone gathered in close for such a special moment. And curses be cursed!
I miss you though so please come home now!!