Friday 18 July 2008

life as a secretary

Pam, I feel like there is only one word to describe the feeling of sitting behind a desk answering phones and trying to maintain a steady pace of work without running out of things to do. But then there it is, the phone's don't ring, you haven't got a stack of things to do and people watch you like you are supposed to do something and you feel stupid because you aren't actually paid to DO anything, only answer phones and sit and wait.
Wait for work, but it doesn't come.
And since there is no Jim, there is no funny joking with co-workers, only the monotonous minutes ticking by with no sign of work.
there is also no Micheal so the only mistakes I make can only be blamed on me...unfortunately in the real world, managers tend to be one step ahead of the secretaries...poor pam, poor me...
i will end this now because I think that someone just made work for me...and of course there is the possibility that the phone could ring...
how exciting...

1 comment:

j said...

I love you friend!! Happy to hear what's going on in your life even though it is so impersonal ("who am i to be snooping through mia's life like this without talking to her about it"kind of weirdness that only comes with the advent of blogging & such the like). I love that you're reading a bunch of intelligent books. And i love hearing about you! How do you like your new place? I miss your face!!! (that was not supposed to rhyme.)