Tuesday 15 July 2008

Jane Austin and 24 hours of work in 2 days....

Someday I'm going to write a rant about Jane Austin's books...but right now I will just let everyone know I worked the weekend as the secretary of the hospital and now my brain is mush...today I got to work and found out my favorite patient died last nite. It was very sudden, he was sick but seemed to be hanging in there and even getting ready to go home. Just the other day I took him to X-ray and we chatted about how getting sick is hard to do in front of family. He said he always wanted to be the man of the family and it was hard for him to be sick around them. Now he's gone. He won't sing me a song every morning when i get his water or make his bed, and he won't ask me to marry him or say I'm an angel any more...sometimes it sucks working at a hospital. I miss him already.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

oh, so sad mia! he sounds so cute!