Wednesday 9 July 2008

New house

blue bathroom....


no internet....

furniture and moving and unpacking...

inaugural first cup of coffee...

no internet...

first load of laundry....

first garbage day...


no internet...

well, the first 72hours and I am surviving:) , had my first 'official' guest and made my first pot of tea and got called into work an extra many nice things...but it is very quiet and I miss the boys...and my sisters food...but even the joy of being able to listen to chick music as much as I want doesn't quite compensate for company...definitely make a lame single 'girl-power' uber single woman...but I am probably going to get better at it...soon I won't miss being made to sing at the table, being told to read this, and show me that, being asked to walk to town, or have food disappear off my plate...or share a late breakfast with Sim...soon I won't miss being asked to bring water to the boys before bed...but right now, as the boys would say, "I'm a bit sad."

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