Sunday 8 August 2010

Super Anamolecules...

Lately the world has been scared over the fact that an overuse of antibiotics has created super bugs...bacteria is becoming resistant to treatment and we are susceptable to new strains of old diseases...this is bad...the world health organization is being kept on it's toes by the tiniest of micro-organisisms because they are developing the ability to fight our atomic weapons of war...antibiotics...

but in my family we are not strangers to super fact we have believed in them for I don't know how whole life anyway...because you never know what they are capable of...take for instance the super rat that lives with my parents...for weeks this evolved rat has been eluding their attempts to destroy and obliterate it from existance. It didn't fall for the peanut butter on a spring-trap or the sticky board, they couldn't even figure out how it came in...sneaky little devil...but there was continued evidence of it's infiltration into their home...the missing bagels, the wholes in cloth items, and most amazing of all, the unscrewed peanut butter lid...yes, now rats are learning to unsqrew lids from jars...this pest brought my Dad no end of for my mother, ideas for trying new methods for killing this rat were drying up...but then one day they saw it while they were in the kitchen...they dropped everything and started chasing this little rodent around trying to kill it...mums chasing it while dad tried to corner Mr. Rat. I can just hear's making me laugh...but then it ran out onto the ledge of the window and Dad, with his lightning fast reflexes shut that window, while mums ran around madly shutting other window's...they live on the 11th story of an apartment building...that rat had nowhere to go but down, still has Dad wondering...what if?...what if that rat learned to fly?...

and then there is cricky...a few weeks ago my roomates and I started noticing a chirping sound from behind our fridge...everyonce in a while it would chirp like mad and then nothing...Samara love dthe idea of a pet and bequeathed this random cricket with the name "cricky"...and once you give an animal a name an emotional attachment starts...this is bad...because we had never actually seen cricky, he could be this massive ugly cricket-not like anything out of a cartoon at all-but something heinous and dirty...and sometimes when cricky would get really loud at night, when it was dark, I would start thinking...what if it's not a cricket at all, what if it's a bear posing as a cricket? (this is totally not as absurd as it sounds since our campus buildings are bordered by forest and we see deer and squirels all the time...) what if it was a snake with a cricket in it's mouth? I have seen that with snakes and frogs before...the frog is singing his death song from the snakes mouth...and more...
so finally, during the daytime, i moved the fridge...I wanted to see it snake or bear...cricky, cricky, here I come...I found nothing. Also the chirping stopped for a bit too...weird.
Then we had a dinner party where we told everyone about the mysterious cricky... and like good hosts we let them try and find cricky too...that fridge was pulled all the way was rocked back and forth, we practically shook it like a rattle trying to see cricky...then one of the guests amazed us by questioning if cricky even existed to begin with...'cricky' a product of our imagination? how proposterous, we heard him after all...of course cricky what else sounds like a cricket and stops when you shake it...our guest thought it might be the fridge...our fridge...your killing me...our fridge sounds like a cricket...what is that...he told the maintenance crew about our squeaking fridge and one day we walked into our apartment and noticed something...well, we actually noticed the lack of chirping...cricky was no more...

and thats why the world should be afraid of little bugs...because they are so stinkin, crazy...I mean, if they can fly and turn into fridges...whats very, very afraid...


Stefanie said...

a bear posing as a cricket?! A cricket in a snake's mouth?! (that's some serious freakiness there). I'm glad you never shared those possibilities with me while "Cricky" was still with us.... it would have given me frightening ideas to dwell on as the insistent chirping kept me awake hour after hour after sleepless hour......

Kim said...

my old house`s fridge meows, which is particularly creepy if it does it while you`re digging through! :)