Thursday 5 August 2010

Mornings at my house...

Lexi gets 6:30am...

I stumble out of bed at 7 am...put on hot water, ready the french press and pour milk in my coffee cup.

no words are spoken...

Lexi is reading her bible...I go and shower...come out and sit staring like a zombie

"I just found out there were unicorns in the bible!" Lexi

"Oh" articulate reply

more silence...

Stef's alarm goes off...she comes out to the living area..."Good morning" she mumbles...

"Good morning" Lexi and I reply (note I did use correct grammar here instead of saying me and Lexi. )

"Did I wake you up last nite?" Stef asks me

"No, I just couldn't sleep at all..." I reply...then belatedly add "Did I keep you up at all last nite?" it is very hard for me to remember to be polite in the morning.

"Not at all, I was just worried I was waking you up cause I couldn't sleep past 4:30 this morning." Stef

"That's weird, cause I was up earlier than normal this morning too." Lexi pops her head out of her Bible to say...

"Really?" Stef and I (yet again with that grammar)

We all ponder this for a moment...

"It must have been full moon or something." Lexi says as she is the only one sufficiently awake and in possession of her mental faculties to actually come up with a reason for this conundrum of sleeplessness.

"Yeah." Stef and I agree.

Stef flops onto the couch...

"Lexi found unicorns in the Bible today." I offer this up as my only intellectual moment so far today...

"Really? Unicorns in the Bible?" Stef is animated and waking up much quicker than I am...

"Yeah." lexi laughs

"what version of the bible are you reading? where in the bible is there unicorns? I want to find unicorns in the bible!!" Stef jumps off the couch and grabs her bible to find some unicorns...

"probably in Gob." I am trying to be funny too early in the morning...i pick up my bible too...not to be left out of this search...

"I have the King James and there are references in Job, and Isaiah..." Lexi

silence while Stef and I find the verses...

"...and the wild ox..." Stef reads from Job...

"yeah, mine says that too..."

"Really? what about Isaiah?" Lexi is truly are we all because really how cool would it be to have unicorns in the bible...

"...oxen..." Stef reads again...then we keep reading to see if there are any other animals like unicorns mentioned...

meanwhile Samara has woken up and walks out into the living area as we are diligently reading our Bibles..."What's going on?" she wonders

"We're just talking about unicorns in the Bible." Stef informs her...

" that's sacrilegious." Samara matter-o-factly states.

I start laughing, loudly...

"No really, in the King James Bible there are unicorns!. Lexi defends the validity of our conversation piece.

Samara and Stef start saying something about "Charlie come home" a sing songy voice...i don't know what they are talking about at this point and look down and realize my coffee cup is's time for my second cup.


Stefanie said...

Really, life in our apartment is pretty eccentric, but you are able to tell it in a way that makes it even MORE interesting. You make the everyday into stories that draw people in and enthrall them. You're so cool!

Ben said...

This brilliant!