that's what i thought yesterday as I finished 2 hours of statistics group, then class and then headed off to work the late shift at Safeway. It's funny. But so not. But funny.
Itsak wasn't there yesterday, but sometimes he catches me on facebook and informs me that Safeway is the highlight of his life and he wished he could work more often...I throw up a little inside my mouth and then feel truly guilty for not enjoying the good about a grocery store more...mostly my favorite customers...
one little guy is mute, he only talks in garbles, and I used to think he could hear me but after chatting his ear off once, he put up his hand to stop me, pointed to a notepad, and then picked up a pen and handed it to me...ever since then we write notes to eachother...he is so cute...he gestures and rolls his eyes if he's excited and looks so feirce if he can't find something. I go traipsing after him trying to guess at what he really wants. I am sure he thinks I am crazy, but I think he's great. One time he won a vacuum cleaner, a dust buster, during a promotional game put on by the company...we must of looked insane as I am trying to tell him congratulations and he is pointing to paper and madly gesturing that he can't I settled for clapping my hands and giving him a thumbs up which then set him off, rolling his eyes and jumping up and down...we were doing this at the customer service part of the store...basically anyone entering or leaving the store had to walk past us...but I didn't really care...
then there is Jon the produce guy, I think he is taking a break from university this year and working so he is pretty young, but mostly, he is samwise gamges (spelling?)...he is a hobbit and is so serious about everything. I can't stop smiling whenever he rolls a cart of produce by where I am working. He is constantly amazed that i smile so much at work,wondering if I am faking it...I got in trouble for talking to him once, the manager told me to look busy instead. Unfortunaltely I made the mistake of telling Jon about that one time. So now, whenever i start to say something, even just hi, he gives me his serious face and says, "You aren't supposed to talk to me. Your not allowed." This week i asked him if he celebrates easter, he told me, "I am a Jew." because that explains everything apparently. Then he said, "Are you going to stop talking to me now." i thought that was the funniest thing i had heard all day, he didn't get it...
so when i am asking strange men for their phone numbers and putting endless amounts of organic produce through the till, wondering when i will ever not be a cashier, I have to think about the good parts...and smile.
i smiled!
this is the funniest post ever!
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