Monday, 21 May 2007

Raise the roof!!

Okay so my last birth was kinda dramatic and i called the dilation wrong and we had two pushing stages cause 1 was alittle premature. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Anyway saw her for a postpartum and am posting picks of her and baby Adrian James...they are doing great now-no thanks to me....also her labor support team was great...mum, little sis and even her Dad came to help cheer her on...she is only 18 and is single. So her family supporting her was great to see. Her mum had the greatest line during labor...she told her daughter, "i would take your stomache and push that baby out for you but I can't you have to". 20 minutes out!This is my roomie and labor mate...she teaches me to suture and encourages me even when I don't thinks things could have gone any worse. She makes crepe's and is a good menonite from MB...we get eachothers jokes...oh have I mentioned she is the suture queen...

This morning, 2 am I was actually the baby midwife but cause my roomie knew I needed to get some experience suturing and it was only a 1st degree tear, I got the job. So, I have never felt so bad for anyone than this poor mum in my life...but also have never been more proud of someone bearing the pain and being so brave. This mum rocked. I know I wasn't the fastest and since it was my first time suturing, not problem free but i loaded her up with the lidocaine and before you knew it Tapos na! (finished)
Then another labor came in and 4 hours later...heart tones were alittle scary; I was so tired all i could do was pray Jesus, Jesus and be so thankful for my Filipina superior, Grace. She was so calm and told me what to watch for and how to push back a cervical anterior lip...seriously cool cause I actually knew what I was touching and looking for. It was my catch this time and happened right at shift change so I had my friends and fellow student all helping at the birth. Oxygen, pit, baby care. They were all there and the mum was so great, Rowena, she really handled the pain so well and was so co-operative and pushed thru the pain when we told her that the baby needed to come NOW. And just so you know, babe's recovered so quickly after a hard birth, we gave a bit of oxygen and he started crying and wanted to nurse right away. Good boy.
This is sounding very medical of me but that is what 4 days a week are like. Now that I work at a round the clock clinic, babies all times of the day and nite and in all shapes and sizes.

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